
Dear Engl 217, Last entry, can’t believe the semester is almost done. I had my last online class today and my finals are next week. By this time next week, I should be done with the semester for good. I had a Chemistry exam on Monday and I got 100 on it and with that my failing grade in that class is gone. I was looking over my grades and I see that if I get a 90+ on all my finals, I should end up a 4.0 GPA for this semester. Hopefully, that’s what happens. I am the most …

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What is time anyways? Everyday is just a repeat of the next. I had a math test where I got a 75. If I do all my homework and get a 90+ on the final, I can still get an A grade in the class. I had a Music paper to submit and I feel good about that essay. I hope I will get a 100 on this as well. I finished reading The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and it was alright. I was able to relate to it due to the whole immigration story line. I am getting Circe …

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Dear Engl 217, This week has been a roller-coaster. It started good; I hung out with a few of my friends (none of us tested positive and we wore masks) and it was so much fun. The second half of the week was not so good due to family issues. However, today, I am feeling better. I just want to throw away my phone and move to a new country and start anew but I have to learn to make best of what is given to me. I have been keeping up with my assignments and I have been studying …

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